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SSFBC is a professional international education institution approved by the Education Department of Shaanxi Provincial Government and directly attached to The High School Affiliated to Shaanxi Normal University (SSDFZ). It aims to prepare middle school students for international curriculum systems and ultimately top universities in the world. It is the window and platform for SSDFZ to integrate its high-quality education with other advanced international programmes. In SSFBC, there are programmes for students of different ages, including IGCSE, A-Level, AP and IFY.   

As an international school, SSFBC aims at developing talent with global perspective and an international vision. The school is characterized by western teaching style and global management. It is mainly composed of foreign experts and returnee graduates from overseas universities. The school is people-oriented, attaching great importance to talent development, paying full attention to teaching quality and providing welfare and training programs to all faculty members.

Now, owing to its large-scale and long-term development, the school has a high demand for more competent teachers and therefore is open to society and universities for talent to join us.

tb01.png Recruitment Plan

We are seeking dynamic and energetic teachers for the following subjects:

lEAP Lecturer-Listening & Speaking

lEAP Lecturer-Reading & Writing

lSubject teachers (Mathematics/ Physics/ Chemistry/ Biology/ Economics)

tb01.png Responsibilities

1. To prepare classes according to syllabus and teach relevant courses to students at different levels

2. To select and use different learning resources.

3. To help students with A-level, IFY and AP examinations, including invigilation work.

4. To participate in department meetings, parents meetings and training events arranged by school. 

tb01.png Requirements

1. Applicants with a non- criminal record

2. Bachelor/Master degree in related subjects

3. Native English speaker (or equivalent)

4. Excellent communication and teamwork skills

5. Teaching experience in A-Level/AP/IFY courses highly preferred

tb01.png School Advantages

  • Located in the very downtown of Xi’an; 10 minutes walking distance away from Wild-Goose Pagoda, main shopping centre areas and the nearest subway station.

  • The historical city of Xi’an offers unprecedent atmosphere and numerous tourist attractions.

  • Most of the teaching materials provided by the school

  • Dynamic and international team

  • Opportunities for growth and promotion

  • Small classes (10-25 students)

tb01.png Benefits

1. An initial two-year contract, a three-year contract upon successful completion of the first one

2. Very competitive salary package, including:

a) accommodation or allowance

b) paid holiday

c) medical insurance

d) accident insurance

e) visa assistance

f) relocation allowance

g) repatriation allowance and return flights between the home country and the city of the school’s location

tb01.png Application

Send supporting documents to stephanieyang@ssfbc.com.cn

tb01.png Applicant materials

Résumé, non-criminal record, scanned passport, degree certificates, recent photos, teacher qualification certificate, and other documents of competence

Contact: Stephanie YANG 

E-mail: stephanieyang@ssfbc.com.cn







一、 教学类岗位(双语教学):






1. 身心健康,善于学习,乐于奉献,勇于挑战,工作积极主动,思想阳光上进;

2. 热爱教育事业,热爱学生,具有强烈的责任心,有良好的教师职业道德,恪守社会公德,品行端正,为人师表;

3. 有做国际课程教师的职业理想,有先进的教育理念和创新精神,认同我校的办学理念,并愿意在我校长期发展;

4. 熟悉高中学生的生活及学习特点,善于因材施教,教学方法灵活多样,条理清晰,逻辑严谨,善于活跃课堂气氛 ;

5. 具备较强的抗压能力,能胜任班主任工作,有良好的沟通表达和人际交往能力,有团队合作精神,理解并尊重文化差异。

6. 学科要求:

1) 语文、数学、物理、化学、生物、经济、商务:相关专业本科以上学历,需持有教师资格证,具有相关学科教学经验或海外教育背景者优先;具备较强的英语能力,雅思6.5或托福95以上,能进行双语教学,能与外教直接交流(条件优秀者可适当放宽英语要求);

2) 学术英语:英语能力需至少满足以下条件之一:①英语专八70分及以上;②雅思7分及以上,或单项7.5分及以上;③托福总分100分及以上,或听力阅读单项26分及以上/写作口语单项25分及以上;

3) 考培老师:英语能力要求与学术英语老师岗位相同,需能接受灵活弹性的工作时间安排。

4) 体育老师(女):具有高中体育教师资格证;擅长啦啦操、健身操等运动项目并有相关比赛经验者优先。

二、 行政类岗位:



1. 至少一年以上留学咨询和留学文案等相关工作经验;

2. 英文水平优秀,能独立完成或审核学生申请文案;

3. 熟悉英美加教育政策及其大学申请流程和签证政策;

4. 具备良好的时间管理能力,能有效把握工作中的各种时间截点;

5. 具备较强的抗压能力,能胜任班主任工作。



1. 心理学或临床心理学优先考虑;

2. 具备1年以上心理教育或咨询工作经验;

3. 持有相关心理咨询资格证书;

4. 亲和力强,能够与学生和家长建立信任关系;

5. 包容性强,能理解并尊重前来咨询的学生和家长。


1. 简历投递:应聘者请将电子版简历发送至stephanieyang@ssfbc.com.cn(邮件主题注明:姓名+应聘岗位+毕业院校),或通过智联招聘、前程无忧、Boss直聘网投递简历。

2. 应聘流程:简历筛选→第一轮面试→笔试→第二轮面试→试讲→终面→录取。


3. 联系人:杨老师
